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      # phase 2

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      Depicted on a chalkboard like background, line figures of parents, children, and scientists though static are filled with movement. The Middle ground infront of the figures is populated by a variety of chemical symbols. In the fore ground are 3 bottles, one red, one mustard colored, one blue. They depict the progression of vaccination from the Polio Vaccine (invented by Dr. Jonas Salk, 1955), to Measles, Mumps, Rubella Vaccine (Maurice Hilleman, 1977), and finally Covid-19 Vaccine (2021).

      Science Finds A Way | Xiong

      By Bao Xiong | WHS COVID-19 Poster Project | Phase 2

      Bao Xiong is an author and artist based out of Wisconsin. Growing up with Hmong folklore and true ghost stories inspired her books Folklore and The Butchers published through Moth House Press. Her poster illustrates that science finds a way to address life's challenges.

      $35.00 $8.75
      A pale green background over a darker green lawn holds a peach tree. Arond the peach tree that is a darker green with peachy orange fruit, are three people. A woman holds out the fruit to a young child and older man standing opposite her around the tree. Below them it reads Branch Out.

      Branch Out | Klein

      By Tonia Klein | WHS COVID-19 Poster Project | Phase 2

      Tonia Klein started the Cudahy Art Coalition LLC in 2020 with co-founder Joan Houlehen. Her poster design is based on an actual event that happened when isolated due to Covid-19. Learn more, below.

      $35.00 $8.75
      3 figures stand together, a pregnant mother, an American Veteran, a medical worker in full protective gear, againts a background of red poppies and a peachy sunset sky. The pregnant mother holds her belly and looks lovingly down; she wears a vaccinated sticker, bandaid, and a poppy behind her ear. The medical worker looks tiredly up at the sky. The American veteran stands proud and confrontationaly at the viewer, his mouth set in a grimace, his patriotism worn proudly on his shirt, his work gloves and work pants showing good use. Above them all it reads 'Protect Your Family. Protect America. Vaccinate Today!

      Vaccinate | Luke

      By T.L. Luke | WHS COVID-19 Poster Project | Phase 2

      T.L. Luke is an artist based in Madison, Wisconsin. The poppies in the background of her poster allude to the Bubonic Plague in an effort to stress the omminous threat of Covid-19.

      $35.00 $8.75
      Covid-19 poster by Jay Ramirez using a vintage video game theme to create the imagery of a virus being defeated by a vaccine and other safety measures. Featured are several pixelated face masks, coronus viruses, and syringes on a black background.

      Vaccinations | Ramirez

      By Jera "Jay" Ramirez | WHS COVID-19 Poster Project | Phase 2

      In this piece, inspired by vintage video games from the 80s and 90s, Jay explores the impact a vaccine has on a virus and evokes parallels to way the pandemic has be taken frivolously.
      $35.00 $8.75
      Done similarly to a victorian style advertisement, a woman stands surrounded in a black oval background, clutching her hand to her chest while wearing a black strapless gown, her dark hair blending into the background and a bandaid on her bicep. Around her in gothic lettering, warped to fit the space it reads, 'Getting Vaccinated is simple Easy & Done in just a pinch! Get Yours Today!

      Getting Vaccinated | Vasquez

      By Sonia Vasquez | WHS COVID-19 Poster Project | Phase 2

      Sonia Vasquez is an artist living and working out of Manitowoc, Wisconsin. For this piece, she was inspired by Victorian advertisements and medicine - imagining what a Covid vaccine poster might look like in the 19th century.
      $35.00 $8.75
      Illustration showing two hands clasped, one purple, one orange. The background is overlapping concentric circles in orange and purple tones. Textual component says "A helping hand can go a long way."

      Helping Hands | Nash

      By Ciara Nash | WHS COVID-19 Poster Project | Phase 2

      Ciara Nash likes to use vibrant colors, shapes, textures, and movement. This poster promotes community togetherness and support.
      $35.00 $8.75
      Show Your Love- Black and grey human silhouettes embracing arms together. Pink bandaids on each other's arms.

      Show Your Love | Ramsdell

      By Helene Ramsdell | WHS COVID-19 Poster Project | Phase 2

      Helene Ramsdell is an artist who speaks softly but expresses her feelings and opinions with a shout on paper.
      $35.00 $8.75
      Black paved road heading straight toward sun over the horizon. Greenery to either side of road. Road sign reads "Recovery in 10 miles".

      Recovery | Schmidt

      By Sabrina Schmidt | WHS COVID-19 Poster Project | High Schoolers

      Sabrina Schmidt is from Statford High School. Her poster expresses hope that recovery from the pandemic is almost in sight, just over the horizon.
      $35.00 $8.75
      Pink graphic with multicolored letters that read "The Vax", "The life you save may be your own".

      The Vax | Liang

      By Martha Liang | WHS COVID-19 Poster Project | High Schoolers

      Martha Liang is from Cambridge High School. Martha loves taking every opportunity to create and be involved in the community. Restricted outings during the pandemic provided time to practice and learn.
      $35.00 $8.75
      Poster with line drawing of masked lady with glasses and face mask. Flanked by heart balloons. Text reads "Support the ones you love", and "elders, friends, and neighbors." Pink background.

      Elders, Friends, and Neighbors | Thorson

      By Jette Thorson | WHS COVID-19 Poster Project | High Schoolers

      Jette Thorson is a student at Verona High School. Jette is passionate about art, and during the pandemic art has been a creative outlet.
      $35.00 $8.75
      Illustration of smiling girl wearing purple. Text reads "I'm vaccinated. Are you?" Cyan background.

      I'm Vaccinated | Rought

      By Kerrianna Rought | WHS COVID-19 Poster Project | High School Student

      Kerrianna Rought is from Capital High School (East). Kerrianna uses art to entertain and educate. For this poster, they wanted to do their part to follow COVID precautions and also educate others on doing the same.
      $35.00 $8.75
      In this historically created, letter press print, ther is teal text on a oatmeal colored paper and background. a repeating pattern of of stars is faintly percievable in the background. The teal text reads, 'Listen to history, trust in science, save lives.

      Trust Science | Carpenter

      By Stephanie Carpenter | WHS COVID-19 Poster Project | Phase 2

      Stephanie Carpenter is a letterpress printer, educator, and graphic designer. This poster is about finding reliable information to learn about staying safe and healthy during the pandemic.
      $35.00 $8.75