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      A City at War book cover featuring various black and white images of Milwaukee workers

      A City at War: Milwaukee Labor During WWII

      Paperback: $24.95
      228 pages, 6 x 9

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press

      Ordering for retail, wholesale, school, library, or other tax-exempt organization?
      Wisconsin Indians book cover featuring a black and white image of a Native American family . Yellow and orange bordering.

      Wisconsin Indians (Revised and Expanded)

      Paperback: $9.95
      88 pp, photos
      ISBN: 9780870203305

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press

      Ordering for retail, wholesale, school, library, or other tax-exempt organization?
      Workers and Unions in Wisconsin book cover featuring two black and white photographs. The top half of cover shows old Milwaukee city, and the bottom is workers all posing for camera.

      Workers and Unions in Wisconsin: A Labor History Anthology

      Paperback: $24.95
      296 pages, 148 b/w photos and illus., 8.5 x 11"
      ISBN: 9780870203145

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press

      Ordering for retail, wholesale, school, library, or other tax-exempt organization?
      Picture of History of Wisconsin Volume III: Industrialization and Urbanization 1873-1893

      History of Wisconsin Volume III: Industrialization and Urbanization 1873-1893

      Hardcover: $40.00
      693 pp, illustrated, photos
      ISBN: 9780870202438

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press

      Ordering for retail, wholesale, school, library, or other tax-exempt organization?
      Picture of History of Wisconsin Volume IV: The Progressive Era 1893-1914

      History of Wisconsin Volume IV: The Progressive Era 1893-1914

      Hardcover: $40.00
      734 pp, photos

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press

      Ordering for retail, wholesale, school, library, or other tax-exempt organization?
      Picture of History of Wisconsin Volume VI: Continuity and Change 1940-1965

      History of Wisconsin Volume VI: Continuity and Change 1940-1965

      Hardcover: $40.00
      830 pp, photos, maps
      ISBN: 9780870202544

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press

      Ordering for retail, wholesale, school, library, or other tax-exempt organization?
      Ratification Series

      Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution, Vol. 1

      The inaugural volume in the series, "Constitutional Documents and Records 1776-1787" is an introduction to the issues that underlie the ratification struggle that followed. Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press.
      Fighting Son book cover featuring image of Phillip La Follette with black background

      Fighting Son: A Biography of Philip F. La Follette

      Paperback: $22.95
      360 pp, illustrated, photographs, maps
      ISBN: 9780870203534

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press

      Ordering for retail, wholesale, school, library, or other tax-exempt organization?
      Odd Wisconsin

      Odd Wisconsin: Amusing, Perplexing, and Unlikely Stories from Wisconsin's Past

      Paperback: $16.95
      200 pp, illustrations, 5.5" x 6.5"

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press

      Ordering for retail, wholesale, school, library, or other tax-exempt organization?
      Belle and Bob book cover featuring image of Belle and Bob surrounded by light tan and red border

      Belle and Bob: Partners in Politics

      Paperback: $12.95
      144 pages, 83 photos, 7 x 9"
      ISBN: 9780870204074

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press

      Ordering for retail, wholesale, school, library, or other tax-exempt organization?
      Fighting Bob La Follette book cover featuring black and white image of La Follettte

      Fighting Bob La Follette: The Righteous Reformer

      Paperback: $22.95
      416 pages, 37 b/w photos and illus., 6.125 x 9.25"
      ISBN: 9780870204265

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press

      Ordering for retail, wholesale, school, library, or other tax-exempt organization?
      Picture of A Short History of Wisconsin

      A Short History of Wisconsin

      A Short History of Wisconsin offers a fresh understanding of how Wisconsin came into being and how Wisconsinites past and present share a deep connection to the land itself.
      Picture of The Labor Movement In Wisconsin: A History

      The Labor Movement In Wisconsin: A History

      Paperback: $24.95
      304 pages, 41 b/w photos, 6 x9
      ISBN: 9780870204951

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press

      Ordering for retail, wholesale, school, library, or other tax-exempt organization?
      Blue Jenkins book cover featuring image of Blue surrounded by blue with red border

      Blue Jenkins: Working for Workers

      Paperback: $12.95
      160 pages, 86 b/w photos, illus., and maps, 7 x 9"
      ISBN: 9780870204272

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press

      Ordering for retail, wholesale, school, library, or other tax-exempt organization?
      Picture of Risking Everything: A Freedom Summer Reader

      Risking Everything: A Freedom Summer Reader

      Paperback: $18.95
      256 pages, 19 b&w photos, 1 map
      ISBN: 9780870206788

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press

      Ordering for retail, wholesale, school, library, or other tax-exempt organization?
      Picture of Skunk Hill: A Native Ceremonial Community in Wisconsin

      Skunk Hill: A Native Ceremonial Community in Wisconsin

      Archeologist Robert A. Birmingham traces the largely unknown story of this community, detailing the role it played in preserving Native culture through a harsh period of US Indian policy from the 1880s to 1930s.
      Milwaukee Mayhem: Murder and Mystery in the Cream City’s First Century

      Milwaukee Mayhem: Murder and Mystery in the Cream City’s First Century

      From murder and matchstick men to all-consuming fires, painted women, and Great Lakes disasters--and the wide-eyed public who could not help but gawk at it all—Milwaukee Mayhem uncovers the little-remembered and rarely told history of the underbelly of a Midwestern metropolis.
      Educating Milwaukee book cover featuring black and white image of segregation protest

      Educating Milwaukee: How One City’s History of Segregation and Struggle Shaped Its Schools

      Paperback: $24.95
      288 pages, 12 maps, 6 x 9
      ISBN: 9780870207204

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press

      Ordering for retail, wholesale, school, library, or other tax-exempt organization?
      Autobiography of Meta Berger book cover with image of Meta Berger amongst black background

      A Milwaukee Woman’s Life on the Left: The Autobiography of Meta Berger

      Paperback: $15.95
      224 pages, 24 b & w photos an dillus, 6 x 9
      ISBN: 9780870203220

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press

      Ordering for retail, wholesale, school, library, or other tax-exempt organization?
      How to Be an Indian in the 21st Century

      How to Be an Indian in the 21st Century

      Warm, plainspoken, and wryly funny, Clark shares his own American Indian story, talking frankly about a culture’s struggle to maintain its heritage.

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press
      Ordering for retail, wholesale, school, library, or other tax-exempt organization?
      The Great War Comes to Wisconsin: Sacrifice, Patriotism, and Free Speech in a Time of Crisis

      The Great War Comes to Wisconsin: Sacrifice, Patriotism, and Free Speech in a Time of Crisis

      Paperback: $26.95
      240 pages, b&w photos, 6 x 9
      ISBN: 9780870207822

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press

      Ordering for retail, wholesale, school, library, or other tax-exempt organization?
      Justice for All

      Justice for All: Selected Writings of Lloyd A. Barbee

      Paperback: $26.95
      304 pages, 34 b&w photos, 6 x 9
      ISBN: 9780870208386

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press

      Ordering for retail, wholesale, school, library, or other tax-exempt organization?
      How to Make a Life: A Tibetan Refugee Family and the Midwestern Woman They Adopted

      How to Make a Life: A Tibetan Refugee Family and the Midwestern Woman They Adopted

      Paperback: $22.95
      240 pages, 29 b&w and color photos, 5 ½ x 8 ½
      ISBN: 978-0-87020-855-3

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press

      For Trade, Library, and Wholesale
      Picture of The Story of Act 31: How Native History Came to Wisconsin Classrooms

      The Story of Act 31: How Native History Came to Wisconsin Classrooms

      Paperback: $28.95
      360 pages, 6 x 9
      ISBN: 978-0-87020-832-4

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press

      Ordering for retail, wholesale, school, library, or other tax-exempt organization?
      Cream City Chronicles book cover featuring illustration of Milwaukee city

      Cream City Chronicles: Stories of Milwaukee's Past

      From singing mayors to bloody labor disturbances, "Cream City Chronicles" is a generous collection of lively stories that express the character of a hometown metropolis.
      Madison in the Sixties

      Madison in the Sixties

      Paperback: $29.95
      432 pages, 161 b/w illus., 8x9
      ISBN: 978-0-87020-883-6

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press

      For Library, Trade, and Wholesale
      Picture of Proxmire: Bulldog of the Senate

      Proxmire: Bulldog of the Senate

      Remembered by many Wisconsinites as a friendly, hand-shaking fixture at sporting events and state fairs, Proxmire was one of the few politicians who voted his conscience and never forgot about the people he represented.
      Civilian Conservation Corps in Wisconsin book cover

      The Civilian Conservation Corps in Wisconsin: Nature's Army at Work

      Captured in rich prose are the voices of the CCC boys who, by preserving Wisconsin's natural beauty between 1933 and 1942, discovered purpose in their labor and founded an enduring legacy of environmental stewardship.
      The Wisconsin Story: 150 People, Places, and Turning Points that Shaped the Badger State

      The Wisconsin Story: 150 People, Places, and Turning Points that Shaped the Badger State

      Award-winning newspaper columnist Dennis McCann’s talent for distilling complex subjects into brief stories answers the question "What makes Wisconsin, Wisconsin?”
      Patrick Lucey Book

      Patrick J. Lucey - A Lasting Legacy


      As Wisconsin governor from 1971 to 1977, Patrick J. Lucey pursued an ambitious progressive agenda, tempered by the concerns of a fiscal conservative and a pragmatic realist. His legacy continues to impact Wisconsin residents and communities. Details, below.

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press
      Ordering for retail, wholesale, school, library, or other tax-exempt organization?

      Hmong in Wisconsin

      Hmong in Wisconsin

      Told with a blend of scholarly research, interviews, and personal experience of the author, this latest addition to the popular "People of Wisconsin" series shares the Hmong’s varied stories of survival and hope as they have joined Wisconsin communities.

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press

      Ordering for retail, wholesale, school, library, or other tax-exempt organization?
      Coming Out, Moving Forward book cover featuring various images of  Wisconsin residents both in black and white and colored images

      Coming Out, Moving Forward - Wisconsin's Recent Gay History

      Coming Out, Moving Forward, the second volume in R. Richard Wagner’s groundbreaking work on gay history in Wisconsin, outlines the challenges that LGBT Wisconsinites faced in their efforts to right past oppressions and secure equality in the post-Stonewall period between 1969 and 2000. More details, below.

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press
      Ordering for retail, wholesale, school, library, or other tax-exempt organization?
      Book cover of Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution Volume 37. Bill of Rights Book 1

      The Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution, Volume 37: Bill of Rights, Book 1

      The first in a planned six-volume series examining the intense debate over the drafting and ratification of the first Ten Amendments to the Constitution. The Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution series is a reference collection that aims to preserve the state-by-state debates about the ratification of the United States Constitution. Details below.
      Make Way for Liberty - book cover

      Make Way for Liberty: Wisconsin African Americans in the Civil War


      Hundreds of African American soldiers and regimental employees represented Wisconsin in the Civil War, and many of them lived in the state either before or after the conflict. And yet, if these individuals are mentioned at all in histories of the state, it is with a sentence or two about their small numbers.... Full details below.

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      Suffrage Buttons

      Cast Your Vote Buttons

      Turn heads at the polls with buttons that celebrate the democratic process.
      The Sower and the Seer

      The Sower and the Seer: Perspectives on the Intellectual History of the American Midwest

      The Midwestern landscape has given rise to significant visionaries whose extraordinary intellectualism has contributed to forming an American identity.
      Document History of the Ratification of the Constitution Volume 38. Bill of Rights, Book 2

      The Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution, Volume 38: Bill of Rights, Book 2

      Examines the intense debate over the drafting and ratification of the first ten Amendments to the Constitution. A profoundly important documentary record of the effort to protect human rights during the Revolutionary War Era.
      Cover of fall 2022 issue of the Wisconsin Magazine of History with full page black and white photo of Helen Barnhill after 1988 election. A child is hugging her.

      Fall 2022 | Wisconsin Magazine of History

      Two Trailblazing Black Women in the Republican Party. Wisconsin's "Plaster Doctor: Quack or Cure?" Book Excerpt: "Wisconsin Waters." More!
      Cover of the Summer 2020 edition of the Wisconsin Magazine of History with full page, black and white portrait of writer Zona Gale.

      Summer 2020 | Wisconsin Magazine of History

      Zona Gale and the So-called School of Wisconsin Authors. Outside Artist Sid Boyum. Book Excerpt: "Hmong in Wisconsin." More!
      Cover of the Summer 2019 edition of the Wisconsin Magazine of History with full page black and white photo of Theodora Winton Youmans dated circa 1915.

      Summer 2019 | Wisconsin Magazine of History

      Winning Women's Suffrage. Lead Mining & Slavery. Book Excerpt: "Proxmire: Bulldog of the Senate." More!
      Full page color photo dated 1935 of father and mother with four children as they prepare to settle in Alaska.

      Winter 2019 | Wisconsin Magazine of History

      From the Northwoods to Alaska. John Muir's University Days. Book Excerpt: "Job Man." More!
      Book cover of Ratification of the Constitution Series Volume 39 - Bill of Rights. TItle at top in black font on tan paper. Excerpt of constitution at bottom.

      The Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution, Volume 39: Bill of Rights, Book 3

      Examines the intense debate over the drafting and ratification of the first ten Amendments to the Constitution. A profoundly important documentary record of the effort to protect human rights during the Revolutionary War Era.
      Book cover for "Wisconsin for Kennedy" with black and white photo of JFK outside. Snow is falling and he smiles for the camera. Several people in background.

      Wisconsin for Kennedy

      Author B.J. Hollars chronicles JFK’s nail-biting Wisconsin win by drawing on rarely cited oral histories from the eclectic team of people who worked together to make it happen: a cranberry farmer, a union leader, a mayor, an architect, and others.
      This cover features a large black and white photograph of Martin Luther King Jr's face on the right with the title written on top. "MARCHING to the MOUNTAINTOP," is written in white and green and "How Poverty, Labor Fights, and Civil Rights Set the Stage for Martin Luther King, Jr's Final Hours" is written below in smaller, orange italics. At the bottom of the cover, the author's name "Ann Bausum," is written in white italics. The lower half of the cover is a black and white photograph of protesters fighting for equality and rights.

      Marching to the Mountaintop: How Poverty, Labor Rights and Civil Rights Set the Stage for Martin Luther King Jr's Final Hours

      Ann Bausum chronicles the intertwining struggles of poverty, labor rights and civil rights culminating in the poignant final days of Martin Luther King Jr's life and his enduring legacy.
      $19.95 $4.99
      Within the blue borders of the cover, is a black and white image of a woman holding a torch. Above her, is the title of the book, "A Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions." Right above that is the author's name, "Elizabeth Cady Stanton."

      A Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions

      A defining document in the women's rights movement in the United States. Author Elizabeth Cady Stanton was a leader in the women's rights movement during the mid to late 19th century.
      $9.95 $2.49
      "Wisconsin Hometown Stories: Janesville," is written over a map, a letter and photographs of the city and people in the past.

      Wisconsin Hometown Stories: Janesville | DVD

      The program examines how this town became an integral part of the state's growth, connecting Wisconsin's past to the present.
      $19.95 $4.99
      Picture of Wisconsin at Antietam: The Badger State's Sacrifice on America's Bloodiest Day

      Wisconsin at Antietam: The Badger State's Sacrifice on America's Bloodiest Day

      Civil War historian Cal Schoonover sheds new light on the exploits of Wisconsin soldiers in this turning point to secure the Union.
      Front cover of "Red Arrow Across the Pacific" book with title in bold red over background black and white photo of infantry soldiers walking along muddy shore.

      Red Arrow across the Pacific: The Thirty-Second Infantry Division during World War II

      The Thirty-Second “Red Arrow” Infantry Division played a crucial role for the Allied Forces in the Pacific. Learn how this National Guard unit with origins in the Midwest became one of the most effective—and most battle-tested—US combat units in WWII.
      Cover of Spring 2024 Issue of Wisconsin Magazine of History with black and white photo of a Potawatomi family outside their home.

      Spring 2024 | Wisconsin Magazine of History

      In this Issue: A Potawatomi Drum Dance Story; "Messy Radio" and Alternative Music in Milwaukee; Book Excerpt: "Wisconsin for Kennedy"
      Book cover of "When is Daddy Coming Home" with two black and white photos of parents with young children. Title in black font on white background.

      When is Daddy Coming Home? An American Family during World War II

      A powerful memoir that illuminates life on the home front and the impact of World War II on an American family.
      Book cover of "The Story of Wisconsin Women" with simple line illustration of a woman over a yellow background. Title at top in cursive.

      The Story of Wisconsin Women

      This book tells the stories of many women who have been important to the history of Wisconsin. Written by Ruth De Young Kohler, Chairman of the Committee on Wisconsin Women for the 1948 Wisconsin Centennial.
      $15.00 $11.25
      Book cover of "The Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution" Volume 40. Beige background with title in black font.

      The Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution, Volume 40: Bill of Rights, Book 4

      The fourth in a planned five-volume series examining the intense debate over the drafting and ratification of the first Ten Amendments to the Constitution.
      Front cover of the book "Valiant Vel" for young readers. Color portrait of Vel Phillips speaking at microphone.

      Valiant Vel: Vel Phillips and the Fight for Fairness and Equality

      Beautifully illustrated with historic photographs and original artwork, this compelling biography for young readers tells the remarkable story of fair housing advocate and civic leader Vel Phillips.
      Front cover of "Voices & Votes: How Government Works in Wisconsin", second edition, published by the Wisconsin Historical Society.

      Voices & Votes: How Democracy Works in Wisconsin

      An essential introduction to civics for children in grades 3–5, this revised and updated edition is filled with tools and resources to inspire a new generation of readers to understand and participate in our democracy.
      Front cover of children's book, "E is for Everyone! Every Vote and Every Voice"

      E is for Everyone! Every Vote and Every Voice

      From amendments and elections to Congress and our Constitution, this picture book helps make our system of government understandable for young readers.
      Front cover of the "Wisconsin Magazine of History" Summer 2024, with a vintage color photo of two women and a refrigerator.

      Summer 2024 | Wisconsin Magazine of History

      In this Issue: Black Nite Part One; RNC Mayhem; Femineering the Kitchen; The Barn at Little Finland; Book Excerpt: "We Had Fun and Nobody Died"
      Front cover of the "Wisconsin Magazine of History" Fall 2024, with a black and white photo of students gathering to board a bus in Madison, WI, dated March 1965.

      Fall 2024 | Wisconsin Magazine of History

      In this Issue: Black Nite Part Two; RNC Mayhem; Fifty Years of D&D; From Rippon to Selma; Book Excerpt: "Chasing the Stars"
      Front cover of the Winter 2024 edition of the Wisconsin Magazine of History with a black and white photo of Patti Smith reading "Bugle American" in 1976.

      Winter 2024 | Wisconsin Magazine of History

      In this Issue: Bugle American; A Gap Year in Wartime; Political Collecting; Book Excerpt, "Extra! Extra! Eat All About It!"