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      Front cover of the "Wisconsin Magazine of History" Summer 2024, with a vintage color photo of two women and a refrigerator.

      Summer 2024 | Wisconsin Magazine of History

      In this Issue: Black Nite Part One; RNC Mayhem; Femineering the Kitchen; The Barn at Little Finland; Book Excerpt: "We Had Fun and Nobody Died"
      Cover of 2023 summer edition of the Wisconsin Magazine of History featuring a black and white photo of a woman waterskiing.

      Summer 2023 | Wisconsin Magazine of History

      In this Issue: The Women of Wisconsin Brewing; Tommy Bartlett's Water Ski Show; Door County and Migrant Labor; Book Excerpt: "Sand and Fire"
      Front cover of the Wisconsin Magazine of History with black and white image of 1940's baseball player, Sophie Kurys, one foot on the base and poised to throw the baseball.

      Spring 2023 | Wisconsin Magazine of History

      In this Issue: The story of the All-American Girls Softball League; Raymond Hagen's memoir of growing up on Washington Island; The story of "Stambaugh's Treaty"; book excerpt from "Obreros Unidos: The Roots and Legacy of the Farmworkers Movement."
      Cover of fall 2022 issue of the Wisconsin Magazine of History with full page black and white photo of Helen Barnhill after 1988 election. A child is hugging her.

      Fall 2022 | Wisconsin Magazine of History

      Two Trailblazing Black Women in the Republican Party. Wisconsin's "Plaster Doctor: Quack or Cure?" Book Excerpt: "Wisconsin Waters." More!
      Cover of the Summer 2020 edition of the Wisconsin Magazine of History with full page, black and white portrait of writer Zona Gale.

      Summer 2020 | Wisconsin Magazine of History

      Zona Gale and the So-called School of Wisconsin Authors. Outside Artist Sid Boyum. Book Excerpt: "Hmong in Wisconsin." More!
      Cover of the Summer 2019 edition of the Wisconsin Magazine of History with full page black and white photo of Theodora Winton Youmans dated circa 1915.

      Summer 2019 | Wisconsin Magazine of History

      Winning Women's Suffrage. Lead Mining & Slavery. Book Excerpt: "Proxmire: Bulldog of the Senate." More!
      Belle and Bob book cover featuring image of Belle and Bob surrounded by light tan and red border

      Belle and Bob: Partners in Politics

      Paperback: $12.95
      144 pages, 83 photos, 7 x 9"
      ISBN: 9780870204074

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press

      Ordering for retail, wholesale, school, library, or other tax-exempt organization?
      Picture of The Bingo Queens of Oneida: How Two Moms Started Tribal Gaming in Wisconsin

      The Bingo Queens of Oneida: How Two Moms Started Tribal Gaming in Wisconsin

      The Bingo Queens of Oneida is the story of not only how one game helped revive the Oneida economy but also how one game strengthened the Oneida community.
      Caroline Quarlls book cover with graphic of Caroline surrounded by blue and dark blue border

      Caroline Quarlls and the Underground Railroad

      Paperback: $12.95
      120 pages, 43 photos, 6 maps, 7 x 9"
      ISBN: 9780870203886

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press

      Ordering for retail, wholesale, school, library, or other tax-exempt organization?
      Cindy Bentley book cover featuring image of Cindy surrounded by brown with blue border

      Cindy Bentley: Spirit of a Champion

      102 pages, 60 b/w photos and illus., 7 x 9"
      ISBN: 9780870204562

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press

      Ordering for retail, wholesale, school, library, or other tax-exempt organization?
      Cordelia Harvey book cover featuring  image of Cordelia surrounded by pink and brown border

      Cordelia Harvey: Civil War Angel

      Paperback: $12.95
      128 pages, 55 b/w photos and 7 maps, 7 x 9"
      ISBN: 9780870204586

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press

      Ordering for retail, wholesale, school, library, or other tax-exempt organization?
      Dr. Kate book cover featuring image of Dr.Kate surrounded by pink and brown border

      Dr. Kate: Angel on Snowshoes

      Paperback: $12.95
      104 pages, 56 b/w photos, 7 x 9"
      ISBN: 9780870204210

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press

      Ordering for retail, wholesale, school, library, or other tax-exempt organization?
      Electa Quinney book cover featuring image of Electa surrounded by brown and green border

      Electa Quinney: Stockbridge Teacher

      Paperback: $12.95
      128 pages, 45 b&w photos and illus., 1 map

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press

      Ordering for retail, wholesale, school, library, or other tax-exempt organization?
      Book cover of Enslaved, Indentured, Free showing image of journal writing on top, with a middle section including a dark side silhouette of a woman and an orange background, and then the bottom displaying an illustration of the wilderness with a river and hills.

      Enslaved, Indentured, Free: Five Black Women on the Upper Mississippi, 1800-1850

      Enslaved, Indentured, Free shines a light on five extraordinary Black women whose lives intersected in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, during seminal years of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787.

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press
      Ordering for retail, wholesale, school, library, or other tax-exempt organization?
      The Farm on Badger Creek book cover featuring young girl holding a children on farm

      The Farm on Badger Creek: Memories of a Midwest Girlhood

      Small town Wisconsin native Peggy Prilaman Marxen recounts her family's rural farming life and its evolution from her settler ancestors to the modern day.

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press
      Ordering for retail, wholesale, school, library, or other tax-exempt organization?
      Fran and Frederick Hamerstrom book cover featuring image of Fran and Frederick surrounded by green with yellow border

      Fran and Frederick Hamerstrom: Wildlife Conservation Pioneers

      A Badger Biography
      Paperback: $12.95
      136 pages, 55 B&W photos

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press

      Ordering for retail, wholesale, school, library, or other tax-exempt organization?
      Picture of History of Wisconsin Volume V: War, a New Era, and Depression 1914-1940

      History of Wisconsin Volume V: War, a New Era, and Depression 1914-1940

      Hardcover: $40.00
      642 pp, photos, maps

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press

      Ordering for retail, wholesale, school, library, or other tax-exempt organization?
      Joyce Westerman book cover featuring image of Joyce surrounded by white with black border

      Joyce Westerman: Baseball Hero

      A Badger Biography
      Paperback: $12.95
      120 pages, 64 b/w photos and 1 map, 7 x 9
      ISBN: 9780870204869

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press
      Ordering for retail, wholesale, school, library, or other tax-exempt organization?
      Juliette Kinzie book cover featuring illustration of Juliette surrounded by yellow with blue border

      Juliette Kinzie: Frontier Storyteller

      Paperback: $12.95
      123 pages, 65 B&W images, 2 maps, 7x9
      ISBN: 9780870207013

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press

      Ordering for retail, wholesale, school, library, or other tax-exempt organization?
      Cover of the book "Letters from Clara" with photo of a woman on a camel with pyramids in the background.

      Letters from Clara: One Intrepid Woman's Travels on the Eve of War, 1936-1939

      Relish the real-life, epic journey of intrepid Wisconsin voyageur, Clara Pagel, who ventured into the world just prior to the start of World War II, chronicling her travels and the state of the world—from bombings and earthquakes to Mussolini and Gandhi—in more than 100 letters to YWCA members back home.
      Love and Other Letters book cover featuring two black and white photographs of individuals and different handwritten letters

      Love and Other Letters

      Nancy Oestreich Lurie found a shopping bag filled with letters from her mother's childhood, and they turned out to be historically enlightening and entertaining.
      Picture of Mary Nohl: A Lifetime in Art

      Mary Nohl: A Lifetime in Art

      Paperback: $12.95
      136 pages, 60 b/w photos, 20 image color gallery
      ISBN: 9780870205774

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press

      Ordering for retail, wholesale, school, library, or other tax-exempt organization?
      Mai Ya's Long Journey book cover featuring image of Mai surrounded by pink with green border

      Mai Ya's Long Journey

      Mai Ya's Long Journey follows Mai Ya Xiong, a young Hmong woman, from her childhood in Thailand's Ban Vinai Refugee Camp to her current home in Wisconsin.

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press

      Ordering for retail, wholesale, school, library, or other tax-exempt organization?
      Autobiography of Meta Berger book cover with image of Meta Berger amongst black background

      A Milwaukee Woman’s Life on the Left: The Autobiography of Meta Berger

      Paperback: $15.95
      224 pages, 24 b & w photos an dillus, 6 x 9
      ISBN: 9780870203220

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press

      Ordering for retail, wholesale, school, library, or other tax-exempt organization?
      Picture of Mountain Wolf Woman: A Ho-Chunk Girlhood

      Mountain Wolf Woman: A Ho-Chunk Girlhood

      Paperback: $12.95
      88 pages, 55 photos and illus., 8 maps, 7 x 9"

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press

      Ordering for retail, wholesale, school, library, or other tax-exempt organization?
      My Life with the Green & Gold: Tales from 20 Years of Sportscasting

      My Life with the Green & Gold: Tales from 20 Years of Sportscasting

      Paperback: $18.95
      240 p, 40 b&w photos
      ISBN: 9780870206191

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press

      Ordering for retail, wholesale, school, library, or other tax-exempt organization?
      Picture of On a Clear Night - Essays from the Heartland

      On a Clear Night - Essays from the Heartland

      Paperback: $20.00
      192 pages, 1 b&w photo, 5 ½ x 8 ½
      ISBN: 9780870208249

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press

      Ordering for retail, wholesale, school, library, or other tax-exempt organization?
      On Wisconsin Women: Working for Their Rights from Settlement to Suffrage

      On Wisconsin Women: Working for Their Rights from Settlement to Suffrage

      Wisconsin is known as the home of the Progressive party. But, in the words of a suffragist in 1912, "The last thing a man becomes progressive about is the activities of his wife." Learn more about women's rights to vote and the Wisconsin women who made it possible.
      Ship Captain’s Daughter: Growing Up on the Great Lakes

      Ship Captain’s Daughter: Growing Up on the Great Lakes

      112 pages, 60 b&w photos, 5½ x 8½
      ISBN: 9780870207303

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press

      Ordering for retail, wholesale, school, library, or other tax-exempt organization?
      Somos Latinas

      Somos Latinas: Voices of Wisconsin Latina Activists

      Paperback, $24.95
      302 pages, 38 b&w photos, 6 x 9
      ISBN: 978-0-87020-859-1

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press

      Ordering for retail, wholesale, school, library, or other tax-exempt organization?
      Tending the Valley by Alice D’Alessio

      Tending the Valley: A Prairie Restoration Odyssey

      On a gray and drizzly day in 1983, writer Alice D’Alessio and her math professor husband, Laird, made their way down a curving, tree-lined driveway on their way to a picnic. They were visiting 115 acres of land in Wisconsin’s unglaciated Driftless Area that Laird had inherited from his parents. Emerging from the trees, Alice had her first glimpse of the valley that would become a twenty-five-year labor of love for the couple. Details, below.

      Ordering for retail, wholesale, school, library, or other tax-exempt organization?

      Thousand-Miler: Adventures Hiking the Ice Age Trail

      Paperback: $20.00
      240 pages, 2 maps, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2
      ISBN: 9780870207907

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press

      Ordering for retail, wholesale, school, library, or other tax-exempt organization?
      Useful Work for Unskilled Women book cover with various women making handcrafts

      Useful Work for Unskilled Women: A Unique Milwaukee WPA Project

      Mary Kellogg Rice describes a unique Milwaukee project in the post-Depression years which trained thousands of unskilled, uneducated women in the production of a variety of handicrafts.
      Women Remember the War book cover featuring a black and white photograph of two female soldiers.

      Women Remember the War, 1941-1945

      Paperback: $15.95
      168 pages, 41 b&w photos, 6 x 9
      ISBN: 9780870202728

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press

      Ordering for retail, wholesale, school, library, or other tax-exempt organization?
      Picture of Women's Wisconsin: From Native Matriarchies to the New Millennium

      Women's Wisconsin: From Native Matriarchies to the New Millennium

      Paperback: $37.95
      512 pp, photos
      ISBN: 0870203619

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press

      Ordering for retail, wholesale, school, library, or other tax-exempt organization?
      Within the blue borders of the cover, is a black and white image of a woman holding a torch. Above her, is the title of the book, "A Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions." Right above that is the author's name, "Elizabeth Cady Stanton."

      A Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions

      A defining document in the women's rights movement in the United States. Author Elizabeth Cady Stanton was a leader in the women's rights movement during the mid to late 19th century.
      $9.95 $2.49
      Book cover of "The Story of Wisconsin Women" with simple line illustration of a woman over a yellow background. Title at top in cursive.

      The Story of Wisconsin Women

      This book tells the stories of many women who have been important to the history of Wisconsin. Written by Ruth De Young Kohler, Chairman of the Committee on Wisconsin Women for the 1948 Wisconsin Centennial.
      $15.00 $11.25