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      Book cover of "Wisconsin Waters" by Scott Spoolman with color photo of a river in summer with trees and eroded sandstone on the banks. Title in large font at the top.

      Wisconsin Waters: The Ancient History of Lakes, Rivers, and Waterfalls

      Wisconsin Waters takes readers on an epic tour of the geologic, natural, and human stories that have shaped these aquatic landscapes over millions of years.
      Book cover of "More than Words" by Jerry Apps with a photo of Mr. Apps sitting outside in a rocking chair on green grass with a building behind with brown wood siding.

      More Than Words: A Memoir of a Writing Life

      Beginning with a boyhood surrounded by storytellers, Jerry Apps engages readers with stories about his path to becoming one of the Midwest’s best-known and most revered writers. A book for book lovers! Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press.
      Book cover of Brewtown Tales with a vintage color illustration of red brick commercial buildings in Milwaukee with the Milwaukee river in the foreground.

      Brewtown Tales: More Stories from Milwaukee and Beyond

      Readers will find in these pages the biography of a bridge, a requiem for a union, odes to autumn and spring, a poem about aging, tales of two shipwrecks, a frank take on segregation, a visit to a junkyard, memories of the summer of ’68, and more.
      Book cover of Enslaved, Indentured, Free showing image of journal writing on top, with a middle section including a dark side silhouette of a woman and an orange background, and then the bottom displaying an illustration of the wilderness with a river and hills.

      Enslaved, Indentured, Free: Five Black Women on the Upper Mississippi, 1800-1850

      Enslaved, Indentured, Free shines a light on five extraordinary Black women whose lives intersected in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, during seminal years of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787.

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press
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      Book cover of Finding Freedom with dark blue background showing illustration of a man carrying a knapsack over his shoulder running.

      Finding Freedom: The Untold Story of Joshua Glover, Freedom Seeker

      A bittersweet story of bravery and compassion, Finding Freedom provides the first full picture of the man for whom so many fought and around whom so much history was made.
      The Cadottes book cover featuring  illustration of small town with Lake Superior in background

      The Cadottes - A Fur Trade Family on Lake Superior

      A Fur Trade Family on Lake Superior, Silbernagel deepens our understanding of this era with stories of resilient, remarkable people. Second printing, paperback.