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      Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution Volume 29: Confederation Congress and Vermont

      Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution Volume 29: Confederation Congress and Vermont

      Hardcover: $95.00
      ISBN: 978-087020-8676

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press

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      Somos Latinas

      Somos Latinas: Voices of Wisconsin Latina Activists

      Paperback, $24.95
      302 pages, 38 b&w photos, 6 x 9
      ISBN: 978-0-87020-859-1

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press

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      Picture of Once a Professor: A Memoir of Teaching in Turbulent Times

      Once a Professor: A Memoir of Teaching in Turbulent Times

      Hardcover: $22.95
      256 pages, 39 b&w photos, 5 ½ x 8 ½
      ISBN: 978-0-87020-857-7

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press

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      Picture of Milwaukee: A City Built on Water

      Milwaukee: A City Built on Water

      Hardcover: $28.95
      244 pages, 5 maps, 7 x 9
      ISBN: 978-0-87020-865-2

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press

      For Library, Trade, and Wholesale
      How to Make a Life: A Tibetan Refugee Family and the Midwestern Woman They Adopted

      How to Make a Life: A Tibetan Refugee Family and the Midwestern Woman They Adopted

      Paperback: $22.95
      240 pages, 29 b&w and color photos, 5 ½ x 8 ½
      ISBN: 978-0-87020-855-3

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press

      For Trade, Library, and Wholesale
      Picture of Wisconsin Riffs: Jazz Profiles from the Heartland

      Wisconsin Riffs: Jazz Profiles from the Heartland

      Hardcover: $40.00
      580 pages, 114 b&w photos, 6 x 9
      ISBN: 978-0-87020-853-9

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press

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