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      Book cover of Enslaved, Indentured, Free showing image of journal writing on top, with a middle section including a dark side silhouette of a woman and an orange background, and then the bottom displaying an illustration of the wilderness with a river and hills.

      Enslaved, Indentured, Free: Five Black Women on the Upper Mississippi, 1800-1850

      Enslaved, Indentured, Free shines a light on five extraordinary Black women whose lives intersected in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, during seminal years of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787.

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press
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      Evergleam Booklet

      Ever Gleaming Booklet

      A small town story about a big idea. Thirty-four pages of full-color vintage Evergleam memoribilia.
      Every Farm Tells a Story book cover featuring colored illustration of farm with red barn in far back

      Every Farm Tells a Story: A Tale of Family Farm Values

      Paperback: $15.95
      188 pages, 5 ½ x 8 ½
      ISBN: 978-0-87020-863-8

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press

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      "FATES and TRAITORS" is written in large bold white letters, surrounded by red floral patterns. In the background is a black and white image of two people. Above the title, the author's name "JENNIFER CHIAVERINI," is written in white text. Below the title, in white script, "A novel of JOHN WILKES BOOTH," is written.

      Fates and Traitors: A Novel of John Wilkes Booth

      Fates and Traitors is a historical fiction that brings to life pivotal actors who made an indelible mark on the history of the United States.
      $27.00 $13.50
      Father Groppi book cover featuring  group marching for civil rights surrounded by blue with yellow border

      Father Groppi: Marching for Civil Rights

      Paperback: $12.95
      156 pages, 60 b/w photos, 7x9
      ISBN: 978-0-87020-575-0

      Published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press

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      Book cover of "Field Guide to Wisconsin Streams" with photo images of fish, a frog, a turtle, an insect, and a plant. White background and title in bold green font.

      Field Guide to Wisconsin Streams

      A collaborative effort by dozens of biologists and ecologists, Field Guide to Wisconsin Streams is accessible to anglers, teachers and students, amateur naturalists, and experienced scientists alike. More than 1,000 images.